Benefits of wearing SPF all year round

UVC is the most dangerous type of ultraviolet light, but it rarely gets through the Earth’s atmosphere, so it’s not usually a problem. Some tanning lamps and welding torches, on the other hand, do give off UVC.

Damage from UVA is one of the main causes of photo aging, which is the process by which the skin slowly shows signs of getting older. Dr. Hiva says that UVA rays cause “the changes we see in our skin as we age, such as pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, etc.” Photo aging is a natural process that can’t be stopped, but people who spend a lot of time outside and/or don’t use sunscreen tend to get these signs of ageing faster and more severely.

Photo aging is caused by UV damage to cells and an imbalance in the amount of elastin in the body. The skin sends out metalloproteinase to fix the damage, but this leaves the skin with an uneven look and less collagen (which gives skin its elasticity). Melanin is the pigment that gives you a tan and also the skin’s defense against sunburn. It can build up in certain places, causing age spots or liver spots. Using sunscreen can actually be quite beneficial for your skin. Some of the benefits of using spf all year are listed below.


1: Sunscreen is your skin’s protector

Sunscreen protects your skin and lowers your risk of getting skin cancer and pre-cancerous growths on your skin. When you use SPF and do other things to protect yourself from the sun, like wear dark clothes and sunglasses, the sun’s harmful effects are lessened. In fact, the Skin Cancer Foundation says that putting on sunscreen with an SPF of 15 cuts your risk of squamous cell carcinoma by 40% and your risk of melanoma, which is the most dangerous kind of skin cancer, by 50%.

2: It helps with redness and inflammation

Too much time in the sun will cause sunburn, which is when the skin gets very red and inflamed. The ultraviolet rays that come from the sun actually damage the skin. The skin turns red because our body sends blood to the damaged area to fix it.

3: Prevents fine lines and wrinkles

Sunscreen is one of the best ways to keep your skin from getting wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. When you’re exposed to UVA rays for a long time, your skin ages faster than it should and loses collagen and elasticity. In fact, up to 90% of the signs of ageing that you can see are caused by sun damage. By adding SPF to your daily skin care routine, you can keep the first signs of ageing at bay with little effort.

4: Reduces hyperpigmentation

Uneven skin pigmentation, also called hyperpigmentation, is when parts of the skin change color or get darker in a way that isn’t uniform. This can be caused by genes or by too much time in the sun. Face, hands, and other parts of the body that are often in the sun may get blotchy skin or dark spots. Using sunscreen can help you avoid it or reduce it.

It’s a myth that sunscreens should only be worn in summers. Sunscreens are supposed to be worn all year round even on days when there is no sun in the sky. Surprisingly, you need to wear sunscreen indoor as well to keep your skin protected all the time.

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